Rising from Namaparadha to Namabhasa

One way to understand that our chanting is improving is when we desire to chant more than the regulated number of rounds. Not for the purpose of showing to others, not for the purpose of getting something material, but just because it is extremely pleasing to Krishna. And we desire more and more to be in the association of Krishna.

Due to namaparadha or offenses to the Holy Name, one become apathetic. Or apathy can also lead to namaparadha. When that gradually ceases, desire to chant more and more arises.

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura in his Harinama Chintamani has talked about jadya (laziness), vikshepa (distraction) and audasinya (indifference) to the Holy Name. To the degree they are present, they have the potential to transform into namaparadha. Bhaktivinode Thakura categorizes all the above three in “inattention”. And he terms inattention also as an offense.

And therefore, attentive, offenseless chanting is needed. Although purification by namabhasa is also gradual, but nonetheless, there is progress. In namaparadha, there is hardly any progress.

To go from namaparadha to namabhasa, sastras give the method of constant chanting.
Even if the desire is not there to chant more, one must try to put a regulation to chant more. And try to follow it strictly.

Constant chanting (anukirtana) leads to the following benefits:

1] Quicker progress to Namabhasa stage:

When we chant constantly, there is very less chance and time to indulge in namaparadha. And to that degree, there is greater chance of rising from namaparadha to namabhasa.

2] Protection from accidental falldowns:

Shrila Prabhupada writes, “the chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare / Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare should be continued without stoppage. This will protect a devotee from all accidental falldowns. He will thus remain perpetually free from all material contaminations.” BG 9.31 P

3] Anarthas get revealed and removed:

Before removal of the anarthas, the sadhaka will have to come face to face with them. And when he or she takes shelter of the Holy Name, it will enable one to remove the anartha from the root. Bhaktivinode Thakura says –
dine dine vṛddhi hauk nāmera prabhāve.

4] We understand our insignificant position:
As we chant more, we will realize our true position of being an insignificant servant of the Lord. In true humility, Krishna reveals Himself.

Srila Rupa Gosvami says,
mat-tulyo nāsti pāpātmā
nāparādhī ca kaścana
parihāre ’pi lajjā me
kiṁ bruve puruṣottama

Dear Lord, let us inform you that no one is more sinful than us, nor is there any offender like us. Even if we wanted to mention our sinful activities, we would immediately become ashamed. And what to speak of giving them up! Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.154)

5] Krishna gets gradually established in the Heart:

Although our heart is a sitting place for Krishna, He will truly manifest Himself by the process of chanting and hearing.

SB 2.8.4 states,
śṛṇvataḥ śraddhayā nityaṁ
gṛṇataś ca sva-ceṣṭitam
kālena nātidīrgheṇa
bhagavān viśate hṛdi

Persons who hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam regularly and are always taking the matter very seriously will have the Personality of Godhead Śrī Kṛṣṇa manifested in their hearts within a short time.

6] Newer Realizations on the Path of Bhakti:

Realizations are not a matter of intellectual speculation or mental adjustment. They are gifts awarded by the Lord when He sees the devotees’ sincerity.

SB 11.14.26 states,
yathā yathātmā parimṛjyate ‘sau
tathā tathā paśyati vastu sūkṣmaṁ
cakṣur yathaivāñjana-samprayuktam

When a diseased eye is treated with medicinal ointment it gradually recovers its power to see. Similarly, as a conscious living entity cleanses himself of material contamination by hearing and chanting the pious narrations of My glories, he regains his ability to see Me, the Absolute Truth, in My subtle spiritual form.

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