Do You Desire Tears of Love?
Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura’s masterpiece in the form of Gauranga Bolite Habe tells us the perfection, and also narrates to us the process we must follow to attain that perfection.
Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura’s masterpiece in the form of Gauranga Bolite Habe tells us the perfection, and also narrates to us the process we must follow to attain that perfection.
Any opportunity to go deeper into Srimad Bhagavatam, and any occasion to associate with the Lord’s pure devotee is the causeless mercy of Mahaprabhu.
Can a forest fire provide us shelter? Absolutely not. Yet, we are accustomed to taking shelter of this material world which is compared to a blazing forest fire. When we surrender to Krishna, He swallows the forest fire thus enabling us to be happy even in the material world.
Reflections on observing a child and mother. Mother is focused on giving nourishment to the child, and child’s focus is sense gratification! Many things to learn from everything in this world.
While practicing Bhakti, what should we expect, and what should we not? The right expectations can help us get the maximum benefit, and wrong expectations can make us question the very purpose we have come to spiritual life.
Should we desire loads of mercy, or should we be happy with a drop of mercy? Parallels from Satyavrata Muni’s prayer and Brahmaji’s prayer
In your life, what will you consider as God’s grace? Is it when he fills your home with all riches? Or when you get your desired match? Or when he makes you a famous person? Or when He answers your prayers to make your children successful in their careers?