अब्धौ विधौ वधुमुखे फणिनाम् निवासे
स्वर्गे सुधामिति मुधा कवयो वदन्ति।
क्षाराक्षयात् पतिमृतेः पतनात् भयात्च
कंठे सुधा वसति वै भगवत् जनानाम्।।
“The learned say that nectar resides in the ocean, the moon, the lips of a young lady, the abode of serpents and in heaven. But the ocean is salty, the moon wanes, the husbands who drink nectar from the lips of their wives die, snakes provide poison, and one falls down from heaven when the fruits of his virtuous deeds are exhausted. But indeed, nectar is found in the voice of realized saints whose sweet words and instructions lead one to immortality.”