Can Devotion to Krishna Solve Every Problem?
Can everyone get satisfied simply by serving Krishna? Where is Krishna when there are wars, or attacks on devotees? What role am I supposed to play in it?
THE Place for Inspiration, Enlivenment, Nourishment for Practioners in Devotional Service to Enhance Faith, Determination and Conviction.
Can everyone get satisfied simply by serving Krishna? Where is Krishna when there are wars, or attacks on devotees? What role am I supposed to play in it?
Can we be dissatisfied in Krishna Consciousness? How can we remain satisfied in all circumstances in life?
When we expect to find Krishna at some place, and He is not, it is extremely disgusting. It is one thing to connect everything material and spiritual to Krishna, but at places where we already feel there is something spiritual, and it doesn’t exist, or we cannot see it, then to connect it to spiritual becomes challenging. What should one do in such cases?
Can a forest fire provide us shelter? Absolutely not. Yet, we are accustomed to taking shelter of this material world which is compared to a blazing forest fire. When we surrender to Krishna, He swallows the forest fire thus enabling us to be happy even in the material world.
Of the two, which is more dangerous? A sword and a gun both are meant to kill!! Understanding the intricacies of gross and subtle sex and the implications of both.
Some thoughts on prayer, an essential aspect of the practice and perfection of devotional service to the Lord. Published in the International Back to Godhead Magazine in January 2024. Copyrights @ BBT
Worldly fame and beauty are fleeting, whereas Krishna’s pastimes are eternal. Therefore, instead of being captivated by temporary sports and celebrities, one must immerse in Krishna’s divine krida. His eternal beauty and fame offer true, lasting fulfillment beyond the temporary happiness of this material world.
Reflections on observing a child and mother. Mother is focused on giving nourishment to the child, and child’s focus is sense gratification! Many things to learn from everything in this world.