Narada’s Deepest Wish!

One of the two benedictions that Narada chooses from Krishna. Mentioned in the pages of Brhad Bhagavatamrta. He comes to this conclusion having seen the deep love of Vrajavasis and Vraja gopis for Krishna, and Krishna’s love for them.

The Sweetest Elixir

This text appears in Hari-bhakti-vilasa [11.234]: madhura-madhuram etan mangalaṁ mangalānāṁsakala-nigama-vallī-sat-phalaṁ cit-svarūpamsakṛdapi parigītaṁ śraddhayā helayā vābhṛgu-vara nara-mātraṁ tārayet kṛṣṇa-nāma ”The holy name of Kṛṣṇa is the highest benediction, above any other benedictions; it is sweeter than the sweetest honey, the eternal fruit of transcendental knowledge of the tree of the entire scriptures. O best of the

Cure for the Torments of Kali Yuga

Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s Caitanya Shataka states that in Kali Yuga, chanting the Lord’s name and serving devotees is the remedy for those suffering from the cycle of birth and death. Faithful service to the guru and honoring devotees’ remnants purify the hearts of those entrapped in material desires.