Energy Conservation and Mayavada

December 20,1973 – LA Prabhupāda: …that the energy is displayed. It works; again it comes back to the original. That’s all. So what is their idea of conservation of energy? The same thing? Karandhara: Well, they say that there is no original. It never began, so there’s no original. Hṛdayānanda: They also say that there’s

Direct v/s Indirect Services

BG 2.13-17, Nov 29, 1968 LA Nandarāṇī: When householder women raise their children in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, this seems to be an indirect service for Kṛṣṇa. Should they try to serve Him more directly by, you know, maybe cooking in the temple or painting, or something like this, more directly, or is raising children and just